Brighten up your garden with Hellebores by following our step-by-step guide to this fantastic plant.Hellebores, also known as Helleborus, are ideal for winter planting. The niger varieties known as the Christmas Rose are excellent plants to cheer up a dark pocket in your garden. They have a flowering period from November until March, sometimes further. They go well with Cyclamen coum which flower in February along with Narcissi and woodland anemones. Planting the hybridus types now in November and December will mean your plants ready to come in to flower in late February until May.
The most important thing to keep in mind when selecting your Hellebores is to know what you are purchasing as diffrent different types of Hellebore flower at different times of the year.

Here are a few of our favourites varieties which are available at Webbs, Wychbold and Webbs, West Hagley. They can also be found planted in our Riverside Gardens, Webbs, Wychbold along side over 35 more types of Hellebores.

Helleborus x ericsmithii Mollys White

Helleborus x ericsmithii Pink Frost

Helleborus Harvington Double Niger

Helleborus x ericsmithii Pirouette
It's a good idea to gather all your tools and equipment before you start planting. This will make your planting smooth and simple. 

Spade or trowel

Rose Tree & Shrub Compost

Sulphate of Potash

Mulch of manure
Webbs top tip - Why is the potash ideal? Potash helps produce flowers and is an ideal start for Hellebores. When added during planting the potash will be taken up quickly and helps the plants to form strong flower stems.
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Hellebores flourish in free draining, well rich soil. They do like plenty of leaf mould as a mulch in the spring. A sheltered spot can benefit taller varieties like Helleborus x argutifolius. They do like to have light in the early spring to aid flowering but will cope with shade the rest of the year, which is why some varieties are found growing in woodlands.
Step 1 - Plan and measure where you would like to plant your Hellebores. To get a good effect plant about 18in apart to 2ft.

Step 2 - Dig a hole twice the width and depth of the pot so you can add plenty of extra planting compost and fertiliser.

Step 3 - Mix compost, potash and mulch of manure with the top soil and add to the bottom of the hole. Place Hellebore on top of the mixed soils and continue to add the mixed soil till the hole is covered and the Hellebore is firmly in place.

Step 4 - Make sure the Hellebore is firmly in the soil and plant the rest of your Hellebores in the same way.
Webbs top tip - We suggest use you your foot either side of the Hellebore to firm down the soil, making the hellebore secure and able to grow into a beautiful plant which will reward you year after year.
Follow our experts top tips to make your Hellebores flourish...
- Check foliage for aphids which can become a problem during winter and again in the spring
- Remove any dead stems down to the ground
- Remove all leaves of Helleborous x hybridus varieties In November. This will take away any affected leaves, which can spread on to flowering stems
- Feed established plants in December and January with a general fertiliser and Sulphate of Potash
- Add a good layer of farmyard manure around the same time
- Water plants during the summer if there is a dry spell to avoid plants getting dried out
- With tall varieties stake to avoid them falling over
- Group with other plants to provide interest in the border later on in the year and to provide cover for the leaves
We hope your Hellebores flourish and this guide was helpful.
If you have any question come ask our friendly experts in store today!
By Webbs