- Nutriment's Just Chicken raw dog food is 100% human-grade quality chicken and bone for use in at-home recipes.
- Nutriment understand that some dog owners are incredibly passionate about their dog's diet, and so their Just Chicken product enables dog owners to create recipes and meals tailored to their dog's specific dietary needs and preferences.
- Free from fillers, additives and preservatives, Nutriment's Just Chicken is packed full of easily digestible nutrients essential to the optimal health of dogs.
- The chicken used in their raw dog food solutions is carefully selected to ensure it is high-quality and ethically reared.
- Made in the UK
- Recyclable Packaging
What you need to know:
- 1 x Nutriment Raw Just Chicken Frozen Dog Food 500g
- Ingredients: British Chicken with Bone 100%
- Nutritional Information (Typical analysis as fed): Moisture: 58.6%, Protein: 14.9%, Fat: 17.8%, Ash (inorganic matter): 3.3%, Fibre: 0.3%
- Useful Information: Moisture - the natural presence found in the ingredients. Protein - are biological molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids. Fat - includes all fats: saturated fats, trans fats, and the unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Ash (inorganic matter) - is the inorganic residue remaining after the water and organic matter have been removed. Fibre - the term given to the indigestible part of food
- Please note: This is a frozen product so once your order is out for delivery, there is only 1 delivery attempt. If you are not in to receive your delivery, the courier will leave your parcel in a secure location at your own risk.